#27, Introducing The Low Left

The political Low Left in America, and the world for that matter, is not immune to corruption or criticism. In fact, it is the source of a lot of corruption.

Notice the use of Low Left. Contrary to false rumors and fabricated narratives, there is no vast right-winged conspiracy causing all the corruption in America and throughout the world. While the right side of the political spectrum has its own problems (and we will surely disclose them another day), the thing we are not told is that there is a Low Left power structure colluding in secret to do harm to the American Republic. Let me introduce the Low Left.

The Low Left is a mindset with a very simple belief. It believes every human being is born selfish. Unlike the Low Right that believes we are born sinners; the Low Left believes we are born selfish. Many on the left tend to be atheistic because of this belief, but atheism is not the problem. Believing that we are born selfish is the problem. You can be an atheist and still not believe we are born selfish. The problem is selfishness itself. It is destructive, and while it’s very difficult to prove that there is a Low Left power structure colluding in secret, we can at least show how the Low Left operates.

NUMBER #1 (they deflect and redirect their own selfishness)
The Low Left blames the right for being selfish, homophobic, racist, and deplorable in order to redirect attention away from their own selfishness. Only a selfish mindset would do such a thing. If a Low Left person calls someone else selfish, look closer at their personal life and not at the person they are calling selfish. In China’s great leap forward, the labor class was taught to call the land owners and farmers selfish to justify taking over their property for the greater good. By calling another person or another group selfish, you hide your own selfishness when you seek to take from them. It’s called redirection, and the Low Left does this all the time.

NUMBER #2 (they shut down voice)
Because selfishness does not trust anyone but itself, it does not trust open discussion, wide democratic access, or any kind of self-government by the people. It does not trust people at all, even though those on the Low Left say they are fighting for the people. Whether in corporate or government structures, the Low Left stands against democratic processes. Instead, it favors vertically integrated power structures filled with suck-ups and snivelers. The Low Left does not attract independent and free minds, it attracts grovelers and panderers who will get in line and obey the power structure. Just look at how they control, censor, and centralize the voice of dissent against that power structure. If you see this happening, you are witnessing Low Left pathology.  

NUMBER #3 (they work in secret)
The Low Left uses collusion and compromise to work in secret. Collusion is a secret agreement between parties to hide their combined selfish actions. If the Low Left cannot get you as a partner in collusion, they will get you through compromise. Compromise can begin first as a bribe, maybe an affair, then sex with a minor and down the line the Low Left will get you involved in ritualistic blood sacrifice. Whatever your narcissistic bent, they will capitalize on it. The use of collusion and compromise in secret are tools the Low Left uses to get and maintain the control of people. How deep the Low Left will go to get someone compromised in order to get them under control would make the average American vomit dry heaves even while standing in the redwood forest on a fresh spring morning. There is no beauty that can hold back the rising sting of acid in the throat after learning how dark and satanic the Low Left will descend in order to get people into compromised situations.

NUMBER #4 (they centralize power)
The Low Left is driven to centralize power and with that power comes a police state. They always do it in this way, first they centralize power and then they create a police state to protect that power. Hitler was Low Left. Stalin was Low Left. Pol Pot was Low Left. Moa was Low Left. Mussolini was Low Left. The deep state is Low Left. Big tech censorship is Low Left. The European Union is Low Left. The United Nations is Low Left. The CDC is Low Left. The WHO is Low Left. The KKK, created by the Democratic party, is Low Left. The Low Left is not liberal, open, free and true (LOFT). It is low, immoral, angry, and reckless (LIAR).

NUMBER #5 (they want more crisis)
The Low Left loves a crisis and they will do everything they can to keep the crisis alive in order to put in place more police action for your security. For example, while the CDC confirmed a .2% death-rate for COVID 19 in late May of 2020,  we allowed the Low Left to do the following:

  • Place 300 million Americans under house arrest

  • Increase more suicides than COVID deaths

  • Add several trillion to our national debt

  • Went from 3.5% to 14.7% unemployment

  • Laid-off or furloughed millions of Americans

  • Put millions of Americans on food stamps

  • Destroyed industries and livelihoods

  • Shut down religious services

  • Silenced mental health workers

  • Censored dissent against lockdowns

  • Closed schools, colleges and universities

  • Stopped serving real medical needs

  • Propagandized wearing masks in the open air

  • Started contact tracing, the new police state

  • Caused the future deaths of countless third world people


When someone claims that religion or God called them to take and centralize control, this is Low Right thinking. However, when someone takes control in the name of state for your security, this is Low Left thinking. The Low Right is driven by religious or moral fundamentalism, and they claim to act in the name of God to justify the need for control. The Low Left, on the other hand, never uses God to justify anything. They act in the name of the state for your safety.

Here’s the great truth, control through the state is Low Left thinking. Control through God is Low Right thinking. Iran is Low Right; Israel is mostly Low Right. Vatican City could be Low Right, but it is more aligned with Low Left statism. Washington DC is predominantly Low Left. Los Angeles and Hollywood are Low Left. Bill Gates is Low Left. Robert De Niro is Low Left. Socialism, communism, fascism, and in a large part crony capitalism are all Low Left. Plato, Nietzsche, Hobbes, they are Low Left. Hunger Games is Low Left, Solyent Green is Low Left, Logan’s Run is Low Left. Orwell’s 1984 is Low Left. Huxley’s Brave New World is Low Left. Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is Low Left. None of these are the product of right wing fundamentalism. They are Low Left elitists trying to social engineer central control.

They are not lofty with high vision, which is to say they are not classical or genuine liberals. They are not even frustrated Far Left idealists angry with inequality.  They are liars with hidden motives. 

Now, let me ask you a serious question. Which is more dominant today? Low Left statism or Low Right fundamentalism? The answer is the Low Left. The Low Left has been the dominant power structure for the past 100 years. In fact, you cannot blame World War I and World War II, the Vietnam war, Korea etc. on far right extremism. Over the past 100 years, war has been mostly the result of Low Left thinking, except what you find in the many civil wars in the middle east and other parts of the world where religious disputes foment conflict.

It is true that Low Right fundamentalism and Low Left statism often work together in secret. We see this happening in Europe today.

My point is this. Let’s stop wrapping all conservatives into a blanket of assumptions, and let’s stop calling all liberals crazy when some are genuinely and classically liberal in the purest sense. The left/right paradigm needs three dimensional thinking. Go to genuineoptimist.com. Click on “Downloads” in the main menu and then click on “The High Road” image. Download and print, spread the word, evil has existed on both sides throughout history, and we need to call them for what they are, the Low Left and the Low Right. They are part of us, but they are not all of us. We need to red pill everyone that the Low Left needs to be exposed.

Let’s face the truth, it is Low Right extremism and Low Left extremism that are to blame for so much human trauma. Extremists either teach that we are born selfish or they teach that we are born sinners. It does not matter which one is taught. They both produce the same thing, more power in a central authority. It just so happens that our modern world is mostly driven by the belief that we are born selfish. And we call this the Low Left.

It is easier to show how the Low Left operates than to try and prove the existence of satan. Let’s show how they operate and then more of us will begin to wake up. If you take anything these words, take this: The Low Left’s power does not come from God, it comes from the state, and the state gets its power through protectionism, or the false sense of protection in exchange for you giving up your freedom. The Low Left is satanic, it is a protection racketeering combine that keeps its true selfish motives secret.

America can wake up. Both the right and the left have their lows, and it is high time we face the truth that the left has a very low place. A renaissance is coming.  

Keith R Kelsch, AKA the Genuine Optimist

Listen to this post through this link…


Keith Kelsch
#26 Grovelers, Snivelers and Panderers: An Army of Sea Going Snitches

Weak leaders are vessels for see-going snitches. They obey the strongest force around them and attract the weakest under them, and this is why they are put in power. Weak leaders have no real power for impactful change, they only have position. The real power is the hidden cartels of collusion that combine in secret. They stay out of the limelight because they do not have the ability to grovel and pander. All they have is the power to control those who do know how to grovel and pander.

What are the consequences of advancing weak leaders?

Weak leaders collect grovelers, snivelers and panderers, people like themselves—a vast army of do-nothings that appease all power above at the cost of having no soul principle within. Soul principle is that reliable guidepost independent and self-knowing individuals live by. Believe it or not, the devil loves grovelers, snivelers and panderers because they have no soul principle. Emerson called it the over-soul. Kant called it the substratum. Every philosopher has their own name for it. My dad called it the predicate reality. In order to understand true soul principle, let’s explore those without it, namely grovelers, snivelers, and panderers.

A groveler is defined as a person who lies or crawls with face downward and their body prostrated in abject humility and fear. Grovelers are not bipedal—they do not stand upright.

Have you ever wondered how a weak leader can cause followers to sacrifice their own? Have you ever wondered how one bad leader can destroy a thriving culture? Look at the worship-fest of Pol Pot in Cambodia, the idolatry of Mao Tse-tung (Zedong) in China, the adulation given to Lenin in Russia, the exaltation showered on Hitler in Germany. These leaders caused millions to turn on each other and kill one another. Why? They did it by creating something called “the idolatry for authority.” It’s a zombie army of snitches that feast on each other, either for self-protection, or advancement. Leaders of these zealots promise lies and tell the people what they want to hear. Their reward is total allegiance and total control, and when they get it, they attract the worst of human qualities.

It is important to know that these weak leaders are not grovelers themselves. They are socio-paths. They pretend to show enough moral carrying to attract an army of devotees. Grovelers are those below them. Grovelers are talented in the art of kowtowing to weak leaders.

Kowtow is derived from koutou in Mandarin Chinese. It is the act of deep respect shown by prostration, that is, kneeling and bowing so low that your head is touching the ground. How can this be deep respect? In East Asian culture, the kowtow is said to be the highest sign of reverence. While expressed as a physical gesture in the east, it is subversive and hidden in the west. The highest form of kowtow in the west is called groveling. It’s not physical prostration. It’s mental subjugation.

Grovelers want to be accepted by their worshiped authority. They seek favoritism and will follow and obey at all costs. If the authority descends into corruption, they follow. The hardest part about grovelers is not knowing or seeing the power they grovel to, especially in developed countries. In China, North Korea, the old USSR, and other communistic countries, you can see the physical groveling or kowtowing. In developed and mostly democratic countries you can’t see it physically. You can only witness the subtle marginalization of those who speak up and the advancement of those who shut up. In developed democracies it is quietly oppressive, almost like a high pressure sales pitch you cannot escape from, whereas in closed societies it is directly authoritarian. The trick is to be able to see in developed countries the hidden power weak leaders grovel to.

When people in free societies grovel they do so to a hidden group aligned for their own self-interest. Like a bunch of high school cheerleaders playing cold shoulder to an unfavored member of the team, you can’t point the finger at a single person who started the sowing of discord against the one teammate for her non-compliance. Instead, you see the insidious group-think working in perfect equilibrium against one outlier. Grovelers function best in groupthink. It’s like an automatic behavior to fall in line, do as told, never speak up, and never challenge the authority or self-interest of the group. The benefit is the security in the group. Whatever group or authority offers the best illusionary promise, the groveler will follow without question and without doubt. Like an inner city gang, the modern democratic party is mostly filled with grovelers, however you see them in all political parties.

Grovelers support the most hideous leaders to hopefully get a position of power themselves. They back the party and the power at all costs. This is the motto of the modern democratic party. Dissident, visionaries ,and divergent voices (classically liberal minds) are marginalized and shut up. I have witnessed people like Denis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, Jim Traficant and even Tulsi Gabbard all become marginalized and expelled from their own party. If you research these people, you find that they were not grovelers, they were hard core independent minds. However, recently Tulsi Gabbard dropped from the presidential race, gave up the ghost of her independence, and endorsed Joe Biden, the number one groveler in the party. And who does he grovel to? The underworld and the under miners. I will reveal these in a later post. For now, I need to move on to snivelers.

Snivelers are very different from grovelers. Snivelers are future psycho-paths if unchecked. Weak leaders begin first as snivelers. Snivelers are constant complainers. They are weak because they whine or pretend to weep. They exhibit a hypocritical show of feeling through virtue signaling. If a groveler never gets the power or position they want, they become snivelers. Snivelers are useful idiots. If you are a secret elite moving the levers of power, and if you want to control power, you put a sniveler in charge because you are almost certain he or she would become a groveler.

Snivelers are constant complainers because they are never adored and never advanced in power. The only thing they are concerned with is their own glory. When they get this so-called glory they become full time grovelers.

Some intelligent people with vision can be marginalized and rejected and they can sound and look like snivelers. In reality they are overwhelmed with vision. The only way you can tell them apart is by seeing how the sniveler complains about how the world rejects them, whereas the frustrated visionary complains about the system not designed to hear new ideas. If neither of them ever get advanced in life or recognized for their ideas, they can easily be subject to becoming panderers, the last and final snitch.  

Panderers are fake optimists. A panderer is someone who tries to please others for an ulterior motive. A panderer kisses up to get something from a weak leader. Like a high-energy sales person, they tell you what you want to hear. A panderer is sometimes vulgar. Politicians are often panderers, especially those who say or do anything to get a vote or raise money. A panderer is one who caters to or exploits the lowest tastes or desires of others. It’s locker room talk. It’s “when in Rome, talk and do as the Romans.” Don’t bring to Rome anything of yourself, be like the Romans.

Panderers are some of the worst people on the planet. They are intelligent enough to know who is in real power, and so they deliver what those in power want. Panderers are highly intelligent. They are not saddled with debasement like grovelers or insecurity like snivelers. They are political chameleons and ventriloquist puppets. They pander to what the underworld powers want them to be. They are driven strictly by self-preservation.

If you want a real follower in control of your ship, hire first a groveler. The problem is this person cannot command with intelligence or experience, but they will protect your control. If the whole ship goes down, they will go down with you as long as you promise them safe passage without payment to the under-miners.

However, if you are tired of the complaints of everyone, put a sniveler in power and they will be empowered to shut them up, but you will need to pander to the sniveler from time to time to keep them in line. As grovelers collect more grovelers around them, snivelers cannot stand other snivelers. They will collect grovelers instead.

Lastly, if you want some semblance of leadership that will obey your vision, hire a panderer. They will do as told but they will never offer something of their own or any innovation to solve problems. They will never add value. You will still have to do all the thinking and all the value creation yourself. Panderers are known for switching allegiance, so be prepared. You may be better off hiring a groveler to be in charge. 

Here are three universal truths.

1.     Grovelers are the most docile and dumb.

2.     Snivelers are the most destructive.

3.     Panderers are the most dangerous.

The bigger the organization with more central control, the more grovelers, snivelers and panderers it will attract. Weak leaders will always hire their own, and the underworld and under-miners will always hire weak leaders.

If you ever wanted to know why most of the world is run by weak leaders, you now know why, at least partially. You still need to know the truth about the underworld and the under miners. That comes next in a future post.

I left one thing out. What is soul principle? Stay tuned and I will tell all without prescribing my own. All will be revealed. This is the very definition of apocalypse. It means disclosure of great knowledge. It has nothing to do with destruction. In my next post I will reveal the underworld and the under miners, and then after that the most powerful soul principle in the universe, the common consent of community mastery.

Stay tuned and stay alert. A renaissance is coming.

For audio of this post, see this link.


Keith Kelsch
Attitude Vs. Faith, Demons and Monsters

I am not a fan of motivation, but sometimes it is necessary.

I admit, my attitude has not been the best throughout my life. For most of my youth I was angry that people would not take me seriously. Very few would listen and so I got bent out of shape. I was never actively angry, I was just left out and this affected my attitude and my ability to act intelligently.

I believe thinking minds suffer from the inability to be political, which causes them to be pushed aside. They think their passion for ideas is worth more than casual consideration and therefore they should not be required to play games. Their ideas alone should be good enough. In time, though, we all grow up. Until that day, many get advanced degrees to justify an automatic hearing of their ideas. When this does not work, again in time—and it takes a lot of time—they convert inklings of greatness into full innovation for impact. This is when thinking minds finally create a genuine value.

I have learned that in life, we either create value or we take value. There is no middle ground, we either tilt in the direction of adding value or we tilt in the direction of taking value.

Eventually there comes a day when we develop a vision grounded in the most universal principle, the conservation of mass and energy. This grand principle says that you cannot take from the world indefinitely. At some point you will be called upon to give back. Even when our bodies are converted to ash at death, we are all called upon to give back to the world. If we attempt to deny this truth, we eventually destroy everything our lives could achieve.

When that day comes that we have a vision grounded in the conservation of adding value, we become adults. In our youth we struggle against the inside demon that tells us to mimic the success pusher on stage. As adults give up on the fruitless effort of attitude and we turn our attention to fighting the outside monster.

Attitude is the inside demon. Faith is the outside monster.

Are you sure you want to know the difference?

Attitude can be faked. Faith cannot be faked. This is the real difference.

Like I said, at some point in the life, we are all destined to find a vision that adds more value than we take. The struggle with internal pride, ego, and vanity begin to pale when compared to the actions we must do for social impact for good. The shift from attitude to impact is a complete transition in maturity—social good is no longer meant for self-importance and pride. It is meant for its own sake.

The day this change happens is the same day we see the monster that faith is. And given enough time we see how to slay it. But first the demon of attitude can still haunt you, especially in the face of constant failure. I am going to tell you how to overcome failed attitude and replace it with a success in faith.

Please note, I am not a success pusher. In fact, I have yet to make the impact for good that I have a vision for. Therefore I have issues with those who push their success model on others. I prefer to witness those in the act of faith. Now this is something I can relate to.

Faith is motion. Faith is real.

Attitude is perception. Attitude can be faked.

You cannot fake action. It either adds value or it does not add value.

Here is the greatest mystery of all. We know what action adds value just as easily as what action takes value.

Action is the better choice over attitude. Action is doing. You cannot teach doing. You cannot even communicate doing. You can only see it. If we have parents who taught us to get up and do, we grow up knowing to doing things and not be something we are not. We grow up knowing that when we act with purpose to complete a task, we are doing something to add value, and when we are adding value we are acting in faith.

Doing is action. Doing is faith. Doing overcomes the outside monster that you have not accomplished anything in life. In time, and yes more time is needed, the demon of trying to have the right attitude no longer has a grip on you. Doing is the only antidote to fake optimism. Doing is genuine optimism.

We all know what to do. Most of us never know how to be.

I say stop trying to be. Just go out and do what you know to do.

It is not easier said than done. It is done so that you do not have to say anything.

Listen to episode #25 here… https://soundcloud.com/genuine-optimist/25-attitude-vs-faith-demons-and-monsters

Keith Kelsch
Liberalism Killed by Intersectionality

While attending college and graduate school, I met some genuine liberals. Since then, they have all died. That was more than thirty years ago.

Liberalism is not an ideology. It’s not a philosophy. Liberalism is a kind of hope that if we are open to vision from all voices in the community, we can advance the best ideas for a greater good. Liberalism in its purest form is a heart for listening and a constant search for truth. In the words of John Stewart Mill, “The silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility.” Liberalism never silences discussion. It believes within its heart that if freedom of expression is completely liberated, the optimum best good will surface naturally. Liberalism in the classical sense is an open forum, a transparent motive, and an invitation for all to be given a voice. The liberalism I know is dead.

The genuine liberal of my college youth has been co-opted by a progressive agenda that marginalizes divergent and outlier voices from within minority populations. It advocates for every minority view to be given a greater voice within a larger majority. Compare this to having a difference of opinion in either a minority or a majority body. Take a moment to piece these together words together. Swallow them, let them digest.

Let’s break it down a bit more. The progressive left pushes for every minority to have a voice above that of the majority. In other words, if you are a transgendered black Jew in a Mormon community, your voice should be given greater attention because you are the minority in a majority. According to the progressive thinking of the day, we are more liberal if we give more voice to every 1% minority. Only the 1% minority has all the answers and we are not diverse unless we let a super small minority intersect with the majority.

There is a problem with this. It assumes every minority voice is true to themselves or their culture. We know from sad experience that human beings go along to get along. Most of us fall in line with power and authority. We call this self-protectionism. In countries around the world, people fall in line with the power structure. Even if all the people from the 1% minority populations are perfectly intersected and represented in a larger majority, we cannot assume they are genuine. They could hold the same ideas as the majority. This is not diversity.

I remember being interviewed for a position as a tenured college professor. In three separate interviews I was asked, “Who is your favorite female author?” I said “Ayn Rand,” an outlier voice within an established majority. If I mentioned a female author from a minority perspective, I could have been hired. I was too much of a divergent independent. The price I have paid to maintain an independent voice has cost me a lot.

The modern progressive does not value genuine diversity from independent minds? Instead, today’s progressive values the most extreme minority within a larger population. Their logic works like this: if we include the voice from an extreme minority, we will have better ideas in healthcare, education, commerce, the environment, farming, communications, science and so forth.

They call this intersectionality. It teaches that our identities intersect in ways that impact how we are viewed, understood, and treated. A black women is both black and a woman, but because she is a black women, it is said she endures specific forms of discrimination that a black man, or a white woman, might not. Therefore we should give this women greater voice. And because a majority discriminates a minority, intersectionality puts personal identity first and not the unique voice that each person has.

Let me say what I need to say. To see government, education, healthcare, the environment, and all life issues through the lens of intersectionality categorizes people into micro tiny boxes, corners, and narrow corridors. The result is hair-splitting tribalism, the opposite of community.

Intersectionality is another published injustice and not a way to bring people together. It has no mechanics. It is not a system or a process. It is not a means to make something better. It’ simply another fault in humanity. And over time, like all faults, a fault becomes polluted by those who seek vengeance for wrongs and not a better policy, principle, or practice.

I read Kimberle Crenshaw’s paper “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.” It was the first publication that defined intersectionality outside of legal terminology. You can read her paper yourself here. She focused on the multiple-burdened black women as a single axis point of greater discrimination and sited several legal cases to prove her argument. Although a very thick academic read, she did prove that race and sex have a greater risk of discrimination when combined than alone. And when race and sex are derived from a smaller minority, the discrimination is can be greater. That viable argument she published has morphed considerably over the years to include identify politics. No longer are you discriminated because of race or sex, but because of racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, cultural and other identities. In other words, with more and more ways to self-identify, we have an even greater amount of discrimination. The victim class has grown exponentially to such a degree that the only solution to solve for the injustice is radical action.

Non-violent protest has now turned into violent action. Liberalism is now lost to leftism and all the statist solutions it promotes.

The logic of intersectionality is that discrimination is getting worse and will continue to grow worse. Even though Kimberle Crenshaw attempted to demolish racial hierarchies altogether, the progressive left has increased hierarchies by demanding more micro minority identities to be given more if not equal voice.

Crenshaw said herself that intersectionality isn’t “an effort to create the world in an inverted image of what it is now.” Rather, she said, the point of intersectionality is to make room “for more advocacy and remedial practices” to create a more egalitarian system.

How does this work in a democracy? We can understand what advocacy means, but what defines a remedial practice? And will this remedial practice to create more egalitarian systems include white men with divergent views in a conservative culture? Will it include the dissenting mind in both minority and majority bodies?

The concern is that we focus too much on race, sex, sexual orientation and various identity issues and not on genuine divergence and dissent for all. You can be a person from many burdened minority corners, but do you have value to add?

Intersectionality and identity politics are used not to bring people together but to give greater voice to hyper-minority issues. This is neither egalitarian nor diverse. It assumes that no person from the majority can have a great idea.

The classical liberal approach to include all voices from all corners of the community is dying. It is dying because progressive minds have polluted the liberal spirit of free expression for all. They do not trust in freedom because they believe we are born not equal.

I have found that the longer you hold on to this believe that we are born not equal, the more you adopt the lower belief that we are born selfish. There is no escape after this point. Your view of humanity becomes very dark and you lose all hope. You will eventually seek after a solution with more central control, which explains why the modern progressive left is socialistic in their solutions.

Compared to common consent, central control is the only solution promoted by the progressive left. It is very sad indeed. Creating more central control destroys freedom, and when we attack freedom we give up the ghost of classical liberalism.

I hope some of us can keep classical liberalism alive long enough before the coming authoritarianism. If we can make it through the darkness that awaits, we will find a renaissance on the other side.

For audio version of this post, see here..


Keith Kelsch